Nominations Sought for Radiology Administration Certification Commission
The Radiology Administration Certification Commission (RACC) is accepting nominations for the role of Commissioner on the RACC. The RACC is the governing body of the Certified Radiology Administrator (CRA) program.
Nominees who accept the nomination will be considered by the RACC Nomination Committee for possible inclusion on the ballot for the upcoming RACC Commissioner elections.
There are two Commissioner seats to be filled on the Certification Commission. The elected commission members will serve a term of three (3) years. New Commissioners will be determined by tabulated votes from the upcoming CRA-only election.
RACC Commissioner Position Description
Any Certified Radiology Administrators (CRA) in good standing who has maintained the CRA for at least one year is eligible for this position. Only CRAs are eligible to nominate or vote in the upcoming election. Because nominations can only come from current CRAs, anonymous nominations can not be accepted. Self-nominations are welcome. Submit nominations no later than September 1, 2015. To nominate more than one person, please resubmit form for each nominee.
2015 RACC Nominations are closed. Please check back for the 2015 RACC Commissioner ballot in October.